Upstate Art Weekend 2024!

Upstate Art Weekend 2024!

Extended Hours Only for Upstate Art Weekend:

Thursday July 18: by appointment

Friday, July 19: 12-5

Saturday July 20: 10-6

Sunday July 21: 10-6

Visitors to Blue Marble Arts will first encounter Maxine Leu’s large outdoor work, created specifically for this site and for Upstate Art Weekend, installed in the front of the building. Leu’s goal is to bring the community together through art and raise public environmental awareness. Leu will also be exhibiting additional works that have been inspired by concerns over global warming.

Marilyn ReynoldsCOMPOSITION IN THE ROUND, is a “walk-in” painting, 100 feet long by 8 feet tall. Organ music accompanies the dreamlike procession of images relating to each other across and around the space. 

Kristin Flynn will be showing paintings that explore the intertwined relationship of nature and humans, at times with sorrow and at times staring down a future devastated by climate change.

Seth David Rubin will exhibit large photos of fragmented and fictitious constructed installations. Rubin’s works may seem to suggest photographic collage, but actually the photographs are single exposures of complex glass and mirror constructions.